Popular door colors and trim
Lately I have seen quite a few different door colors. With door color, it really depends on the color of the house. I have seen teal blue doors that look amazing on homes! However, I suggest really trying to visualize what the door color would look like on your home. There are apps and websites out there now where you can take a picture of your home and then change paint colors to see what it would look like. Bold colors on a door can definitely make a statement about your home; you just want to make sure it’s the right statement!
Landscape that appeals to homebuyers
There are many different levels of landscaping, so it depends on what the buyer favors. Some homeowners enjoy spending time on the upkeep of a lot of bushes and flowers because they enjoy the look and take pride in being the best house on the block. Other owners are content with minimal landscaping to make their home look good. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind about landscaping is that it needs to be kept up with. For instance, if you are getting ready to put your home on the market and have a lot of overgrown weeds or dead plants, they need to be cleaned up. Curb appeal is one of the most important things about your home, especially if you are selling it, as not all people have the vision to see beyond what is already there. Be conscious of your neighbors, and if you don’t plan on expending a lot of effort into landscaping, choose plants and ground coverings that won’t require a lot of work on your part or hire someone to do it for you!
Getting the best appeal out of your home's exterior appearance
Landscaping is very important for the potential buyer's first reactions to your home! If the outside of your house isn’t clean and kept up, then most people will expect the same look and feel on the inside. Depending on what type of exterior your home has, you need to make sure to keep it up. Siding should be clean. I have seen some houses lately on the market where the siding is very dirty, which is not appealing to the buyers out there. If you have board and batten siding and it's been a while since you painted it, consider freshening it up! Depending on how badly your house needs it, this would be a great conversation to have with your real estate agent.
Regarding painting the exterior, you don’t want to put a lot of money into bold paint colors if you plan on selling it to someone who might want a totally different color. Keep it light and bright! If you aren’t considering selling at the moment, then it might be time to get it repainted. There are a lot of reasons to have this done as it will protect the wood from degrading and your neighbors will be happy!
If you can afford it and are looking for a very low maintenance exterior, stucco is the way to go; just make sure that you aren’t getting synthetic stucco.
Exterior lighting
Exterior lighting is very popular these days, including pathway lights and rope lighting in backyards. If you have an entertainment area or spend any kind of time outside in the evenings, this can always add appeal to your home. It can also be a safety precaution if you have pets or go outside often during the night. Who wouldn’t want a little bit of lighting to help you get around?
Some of the best exterior lighting features are solar-powered. So, if you are looking for an easy option where you don’t have to flip a switch, consider solar-powered lighting. Another thing I have seen quite a bit of is the spotlights. These light up the designated area you point them to when it gets dark out. In a neighborhood, spotlights can easily showcase your home and all the landscaping you've done. Also, they help keep the neighborhood safe as they are fairly bright. On the other hand, if you live in the country, or would rather have some privacy and don’t want to draw attention to your home, then I would pass on spotlights and get something more subtle.