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Winterizing Your Home

As temperatures begin to drop, it’s time to prepare your home for the colder weather yet to come! Winterizing your home is an essential part of homeownership. We’ve compiled this checklist to help you ensure that your home is ready for winter weather.

Clean the Gutters

Your gutters do a great job of preventing leaks and water seeping into your home, so ensuring these are cleaned out can help prevent water entering your home during cold weather. Grab a ladder, a leaf blower, and a pair of gloves to remove fallen leaves and debris from your gutters.

Inspect the Roof, Attic, Insulation, and Chimney

Unless you have had a problem that caught your attention earlier in the year, odds are that you are not often checking the quality of your roof, attic, insulation, or chimney. Winter is the ideal time to check on these items, especially since they can cause major damage.

If you are decorating your home with holiday lights this year, take the time to inspect your roof while you’re up there. Ensure that there are no holes or damages and check to make sure your shingles are secured. This is also an ideal time to check out your attic – check your insulation and make sure there are no pests taking refuge. If you have a chimney, have a chimney sweep verify your chimney is free of all debris, as this can be a fire hazard when used during the colder months.

Windows, Doors, and Pipes

Being cold in your home can be stressful! As winter weather approaches, be sure to weatherproof your windows and exterior doors. If there’s a gap under your door, place a door sweep under it to prevent cold air from seeping in.

Replace weatherstripping around your windows if needed, and you may need to apply a window film to your windows to prevent cold air from coming in. Also, be sure to inspect your pipes so they are ready for the colder weather. Make sure to drain the water from outdoor hoses, and weatherproof your basement to prevent frozen pipes. This will also help save costs on your energy bills.

Service Your Furnace

Since your furnace has likely been shut off for 7-8 months, be sure to replace the furnace filter. Additionally, when you turn your heat on for the first time, plan to stay home for a few hours to verify that your heat is working properly. If your furnace needs servicing, this is the perfect time to call an HVAC specialist.

Preparing Your Outdoors

The last item you may want to consider winterizing is your outdoor furniture. If you have patio furniture, cover it with furniture covers to prevent rust and damage. Winter is a common time for pests like mice and rats to enter your home, so locate and fill any holes you think may lead to the interior of your home.

Prepare outdoor shelters for any barn cats that may be living on your property. This is also a great time to prepare for even worse weather – verify that your snow removal items are easily accessible for when it comes time to clear your driveway.


Winter can be a fun and beautiful time! Being warm and safe in your home is essential during these colder months. Keep up with your winter maintenance and enjoy the winter weather at home!