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When is the Right Time to Buy a Home?

There are many steps when it comes to purchasing a home. However, the first step is knowing when to purchase! There are a lot of factors that should be considered as you think about a home purchase.


The first step when you are considering purchasing a home is affordability. It is important to make sure you are able to make an adequate down payment, as well as keep up with the monthly payments of a mortgage. Consider what price range works for you and look for homes that fit within that budget. Your local home loan lender can inform you of things like down payments and interest rates when considering a home purchase.

Interest rates

Interest rates can have an impact on your monthly mortgage, so it can be important to consider the interest rate when you buy a home. The lower the rate, the lower your monthly payment. It is important to keep an eye on interest rates as you enter the hunt for a new home. Fortunately, there are programs that can assist with this, such as the 2/1 Buydown that lowers your interest rate when you purchase a home.

The right home

Affordability and interest rates are important factors when you are considering buying a home. However, it is most important to find the right home. Homebuying is a deeply personal process, and it is important to find what is most satisfactory for you. Combined with the down payment, interest rates, and monthly mortgage payments, make sure you find the right home for you before you purchase! A local realtor and lender can assist you in this process.

Affordability, interest rates, and finding the right home are all important elements to deciding when it’s right to buy a home! If you have questions about the homebuying process, contact your local lender today!